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USD $ 874.80

  • Size : L 30.5 x H 22 x D 8.5
  • Color : Beige
  • Material : Canvas
  • Inclusions : /
  • Origin :
  • Serial number : MI1131
  • Ref : WA-2438363

  • A :
    Excellent : there is no hole, stain, rubbing or any kind of wear (identifiable) marks
  • Description and conditions :
    This Louis Vuitton Siracusa bag bears the distinguished marks of a life well-traveled, telling a story of adventures and experiences. The exterior showcases a moderate accumulation of dirt rubbing, a testament to its active use and the places it has ventured. The handle exhibits fading, cracks, and chapping, adding character and depth to its narrative. The outer edges have gently faded, giving a touch of vintage charm. The tanned leather trim displays signs of wear, with noticeable stains, scrape marks, and areas of deterioration. Additionally, the fasteners bear traces of thin color dirt, further enhancing its unique charm. Inside, there are small color stains and pen marks in several locations, indicative of its previous adventures. Despite these signs of wear, this Louis Vuitton Siracusa bag maintains an enduring quality and remains a cherished piece for collectors who appreciate the beauty of a well-loved accessory. For a comprehensive view of the item’s condition, please consult the provided images before making your purchase.
SKU: 873443 Categories: , Tag:

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